Fall Team 2011

Fall Team 2011
Richmond Silent Mile June 2, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Beauty of a Lunch Time Run

Ever find yourself in the middle of your workday wishing you could escape? Do you get that 3:00 slump that causes you to go in search of a caffeine source? <or worse, vending machine junk food> There is a way to escape, avoid the slump, and reinvigorate yourself at the same time---RUN! That’s right--there’s no better way to ward off the afternoon doldrums than going for a lunchtime run. Getting out for as little as 15 minutes invigorates both mind and body, and can significantly lower stress and stimulate creativity. Aim to escape the office every other day; do it for three weeks, and you'll have formed a perfectly healthy habit. Here are two ways to make the most of a quick lunchtime workout:

  • Hit the stairs-taking 15 minutes to walk up and down several flights of stairs will raise your heart rate and provide a good mini-workout, while also giving you a chance to clear your head and help relieve stress and ward off fatigue.
  • Consider a run/walk-A moderate workout with a long cool down won't make you too sweaty to go back to work. Warm up with five to 10 minutes walking. Then alternate 30 seconds running at a very easy pace with 30 seconds walking. Cool down with 10 minutes of walking-mission accomplished!