Fall Team 2011

Fall Team 2011
Richmond Silent Mile June 2, 2012

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Staying Cool in the Heat and Humidity

It’s starting to heat up out there! While many runners thrive in the warmer months, running in the heat and humidity can increase your risk for dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. By following these common sense rules, you can decrease your chance of having any of these issues.
  • Stay Hydrated
  • -You’ve heard it again and again, but it still bears repeating. Hydration is the key to avoiding heat-related disorders. In training, drink before workouts and make sure you have access to fluids if exercising longer than 30 minutes. During longer workouts, consider supplementing your water with a sports drink in order to replace lost minerals and electrolytes.
  • Choose the Right Clothing
  • Run Early If Possible
  • -Morning (before sunrise or right after) is the coolest time of the day to run since the roads have not heated up during the day. If you cannot run in the early mornings, try to avoid running between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun is at its most intense.
    And, as always, make sure to LISTEN to your body. If you feel like you need to slow down, you probably should!
    -Opt for light-colored, loose –fitting clothes and choose synthetic fibers instead of cotton in order to stay as cool as possible.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Top Three Reasons to FALL for TNT!!

With the official kick-off to the Fall Season  coming up this weekend, now is the perfect time to think about doing an event through TNT. Maybe you did one in the past and have been thinking about taking on the challenge again, or you’ve always wanted to try but never actually signed up. Here are some reasons why the time to sign up is NOW!!
  1. It’s early in the season, which means MORE time to fundraise and MORE time to train! If you start right now, you’ll be ahead of the game the entire time!
  2. The weather is perfect right now for runners of all skills, and you get the unique opportunity to train through all three seasons!
  3. Fall is our most popular event season, so you will be surrounded by tons of like-minded individuals, making the whole experience more awesome than you could ever imagine!
So, there you have it, it’s time to sign up for fall events—what are you waiting for? Sign up now and start having fun!