Fall Team 2011

Fall Team 2011
Richmond Silent Mile June 2, 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Celebrity Gives Back

  It is truly inspiring when a celebrity decides to give back to the community. It is even more inspiring when they decide to support a cause and then spread the word about it. But that is exactly what one celebrity, Alyssa Milano, has done.
  Yesterday Milano made a donation to one of our local participants a donation after learning about his particular story. After doing this Milano has gone on to "tweet" about this participant’s story in order to spread the word about TNT and this participant in the hopes of raising even more money for the cause.
   We have "retweeted" Milano’s original "tweet" and posted it on facebook in the hopes that her generosity will inspire others to do the same. To view our "retweet" go to the link below and scroll down a little. Until you see the "tweet" from Alyssa Milano.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Recommitment Frequently Asked Questions

What is recommitment?
    Recommitment is an opportunity to evaluate your fundraising and training thus far and confirm with TNT your plans to continue with the Team. By doing so you are pledging to LLS that you will continue to be committed to the program and that you will raise your fundraising minimum. Recommitment is a necessary step in continuing your participation with the Team in Training program.

Will I be charged at recommitment?
     No. You are still required to provide your credit card information. This will secure your spot on the team and provide us your commitment to raising the minimum amount required for your particular event. If you have not met your minimum by the Final Funds Date then you will be charged the difference between the fundraising minimum and what is in your Paycor account.

What is the final fundraising deadline?
       The final fundraising deadline is the date (approximately 2 weeks prior to your event date) where we ask that have raised the minimum amount required for your specific event. If you have not raised the minimum amount LLS will ask that you make a personal donation to cover the difference between what you have raised and the fundraising minimum.

Do I have to pay for my race entry?
        No. When you provide your credit card information in your recommitment paperwork you solidify or reserve your entry into the race with TNT.

What if I already bought my own race entry?
         If you already bought your race entry LLS will reimburse you for up to what LLS paid for our race entries. All you will need to do is provide a copy of your receipt and the completed reimbursement paperwork (available after your event is complete) and LLS will take care of the rest. LLS Home Office will issue you a check in the amount of the reimbursement.

Can I bring family members and friends to the Inspiration Dinner and Victory Party?
        Yes. As a TNT participant you receive one complimentary ticket to both the Inspiration Dinner and the Victory Party. You will be able to purchase extra tickets for family members and friends who would like to attend with you. Tickets will not be for sale on event weekend.

Can I have my own hotel room?
       Yes. You will four rooming options for the weekend:
             1) Pair up with a TNT teammate of your choice,
             2) Pair up with a TNT teammate that we choose for you,
             3) Pay for your own hotel reservations, or
             4) Request your own room through TNT.

        If you chose to room with another TNT participant or have TNT assign you a roommate there is no charge. TNT pays for your accommodations.
        If you purchase your own hotel room LLS will reimburse you. You are eligible to receive a reimbursement for up to half of what LLS pays per room for event weekend.
        If you request your own room through TNT you will be charged for half of the room rate for each night we stay in the hotel. For example, if the room is $200 per night, you will be responsible for half that or $100 per night. For all local events TNT will stay 2-nights at our team hotel. Using the same example this would equate to a $200 total charge for the room.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Event Day Approaching?

For most people involved in TNT we all focus on one thing, event day. We mark the date in multiple calendars, let our friends and family know so that they know not to plan anything that day so they can come and support us, and most importantly we train.

In the days just before our event we take a break from the training so that our bodies can rest and prepare for what is to come. This time of preparation should not be focused on the physical, but the mental side of training. Thinking about what drives you, why do you keep going, and most importantly, who are you doing this for? During this time of reflection think about why we train, why we keep pushing even after we’ve given all we have to give. Doing this will bring a sense of peace and determination on event day. If you think about this prior to and while you run, etc. nothing can stop you.

Want to share your pre-event day strategy? Or
Want to share your other thoughts, ideas, and stories? Send us an email at

Monday, June 11, 2012

A Little Bit of TNT History

As many of you know, Team In Training (TNT) has been around for about 24years now. And while each of the more then 540,000 participants have their own stories and drive for why they participate in TNT, many of you probably do not know the original story that started the movement.

Georgia Cleland was two years old at the time she was diagnosed with Leukemia. At this time the survival rate was about 50%. When her father first heard the news he began to fundraise for LLS in the hopes of finding better research to help save his daughter and the other children like her that they had met. But no matter how much he raised it never seemed to be enough.
So her father and a few of his friends decided to run a marathon raising money for each mile they ran. And thus, Team In Training was born.
Today TNT has raised over $1.2 billion for LLS and its missions. Georgia has participated in many ½ marathons including the San Diego and Washington DC Rock ‘n’ Roll half marathons.

What’s Your Story?

For more info on Georgia’s story and TNT history click