Fall Team 2011

Fall Team 2011
Richmond Silent Mile June 2, 2012

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The People You Meet on the Way To the Finish Line

It may sound funny, but you really do meet people in the middle of a race, especially if you are doing a fairly long one. If you’ve never participated in a race before, you may wonder how anyone could possibly talk with all that running going on? Believe it or not, there is something about participating in a race that brings about a sense of community. You pass, and are passed by, the same people a few times and before you know it, you’re exchanging greetings, words of encouragement, or just assuring each other that you really will make it to the finish line!

Forget malls or airports-races are one of the best places to people watch. Not only will you see all ages, shapes, and sizes; but you’ll likely also encounter some distinct personalities as well. For example, there are the "professionals "who are just there to run well and make their best time ever. They’re not there to make friends, and don’t usually engage in chit-chat. You can usually spot these people before the race as they go through their complex pre-race routines while constantly checking their watches to make sure they complete every last move before race time.

You might also see a few "techies"—these runners love their gadgets and generally run with every piece of equipment available on the open market as well as a few things possibly smuggled in from other countries. They are stocked with hydration options and energy supplements in every imaginable form, and are wired for sound (and probably video as well). GPS, MP3, HRM,--if you can think of an abbreviation for it, they probably have it!

Along with these two types, there are various others including those runners who are just out to enjoy the day, the race, and the finish. So, next time you are participating in a race, or even just watching one, take time to enjoy the variety of people around you. You’ll be amazed at what you see and you just may meet some truly terrific people!

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