Fall Team 2011

Fall Team 2011
Richmond Silent Mile June 2, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Beating the Dog Days of Summer

   With the beginning of August many of us are beginning to hit the sluggish part of summer. The part where the days seem longer and the nights seem hotter, "the dog days". This is the point in the summer where you are just ready for fall to begin. You are ready for your children to go back to school and for a sense of normalcy to resume.
    Because of this your training schedule might become lethargic and droll. To help keep training exciting and worthwhile try changing up your routine a bit, if you normally workout in the morning, try switching to the evening or after dark when it is cooler. Take a different route in the course of your workout, go down a different road or trail. If you workout in a gym, change the music you listen to or the tv show you watch. Doing these things will make your training seem fresh and it will renew your determination to keep going. It will also change up your scenery and workout environment, which will make your workout that much more enjoyable not having to look at the same things you have for the past three months.
     So take the risk in changing your routine and beat the dog days of summer and keep on training. GO TEAM!

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