Fall Team 2011

Fall Team 2011
Richmond Silent Mile June 2, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

TNT Volunteers-Redefining the impossible

Anyone who spends any amount of time working with Team In Training, whether as a participant, mentor, coach, or other volunteer soon recognizes that there is an amazing amount of loyalty among those who give their time to this organization. There are some truly incredible individuals who have been volunteering their time, skills, and knowledge year after year after year. With all the distractions today’s society presents, why do these talented individuals choose to give up part of their valuable free time in order to support TNT?

The simple answer is—because it MATTERS. It matters to both those battling cancer and to those who love them. When you consider that the ultimate goal is to eradicate all blood cancers, it may seem to be an unreachable goal. Thanks to the absolute dedication of those that keep coming back, thousands of lives are impacted every year and that goal becomes just a little more doable.

If you’ve ever wondered whether what you do here at Team In Training really makes a difference, you should realize that through the efforts of people just like you, we are literally redefining what the word "impossible" means.

It makes this quote from US physicist and pioneer rocket engineer Robert Goddard even more relevant:
"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dreams of yesterday are the hopes of today, and the realities of tomorrow."
Thank you TNT volunteers! Here’s hoping that the realities of tomorrow include a world free from cancer. Go Team!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Top tips for new runners

Running is a great way to get fit and an excellent addition to a healthy lifestyle. For new runners, there are often a lot of questions about how, when, and where you should run. If you’re new to the sport, here are some guidelines which can help get you started.
  1. Start slow-The first five minutes of your run should be at a pace where you feel as comfortable as possible. Don’t worry about being fast at first; speed will come later as you get used to running.
  2. Find the right running shoes-Having the right shoe is critical for injury prevention. Consider visiting a running store which can do gait analysis. These stores have personnel who are specially trained in evaluating your gait and helping you find the shoes that are right for you.
  3. Stay hydrated-You probably already know that drinking water is important. It’s especially important before and after a run, regardless of the distance. If you’re running in the heat, or for more than 30 minutes, consider adding a sports drink as well as water to make sure that your electrolytes are maintained.
Now that you have started, take time to appreciate and enjoy running and celebrate the sense of accomplishment that comes with each step.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Using a Running Mantra

Often, running can be as much of a mental sport as it is a physical one. Doubts about your ability to hit your goal, or distractions along the way can affect your overall performance. For this reason, many runners use what is known as a running mantra to keep them focused.

Mantra is a Sanskrit word which literally translates as "instrument for thinking", and that’s exactly how it is used by runners as well as many other athletes. By repeating choice words whenever you need to focus, you can help keep your mind focused on your goal and tune out everything else.

As for what makes a good mantra, that’s all up to you. Many people use mantras made up of two or three words, repeated over and over. Others recite short rhymes or poems, and some even solve math equations while running. It doesn’t matter what you choose as long as it helps you focus your thoughts.

When you set out on your next run, try using a mantra and see if it helps your performance. You may have to try several different ones until you find what works for you, but you may be surprised at how they help the miles go by!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Superheroes needed; capes not required

What would you think if you came across the following help wanted ad?

Wanted: Superheroes of all ages, sizes and shapes who want to make a profound impact on the lives of others, can find inspiration along a running path, are willing to ask perfect strangers for money, and are able to conquer seemingly impossible challenges all while decked out in the coolest purple shirts you will ever see.

Would you think it was crazy? Or would you think, just for a minute, that people like that exist? Well, they do! Every member of Team In Training, regardless of their role, is a hero. Simply by putting one foot in front of other, TNT members save lives, raise awareness, and create hope for those fighting cancer. As a TNT member, you’ll have the opportunity become part of a dedicated group of people who will help you meet your fitness goals and have fun along the way. You’ll receive professional coaching, group training sessions, and personalized advice all while helping to make the world a better place. If you’ve ever wanted to be a superhero, now is your chance. Come join us, your purple shirt is waiting!