Fall Team 2011

Fall Team 2011
Richmond Silent Mile June 2, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

TNT Volunteers-Redefining the impossible

Anyone who spends any amount of time working with Team In Training, whether as a participant, mentor, coach, or other volunteer soon recognizes that there is an amazing amount of loyalty among those who give their time to this organization. There are some truly incredible individuals who have been volunteering their time, skills, and knowledge year after year after year. With all the distractions today’s society presents, why do these talented individuals choose to give up part of their valuable free time in order to support TNT?

The simple answer is—because it MATTERS. It matters to both those battling cancer and to those who love them. When you consider that the ultimate goal is to eradicate all blood cancers, it may seem to be an unreachable goal. Thanks to the absolute dedication of those that keep coming back, thousands of lives are impacted every year and that goal becomes just a little more doable.

If you’ve ever wondered whether what you do here at Team In Training really makes a difference, you should realize that through the efforts of people just like you, we are literally redefining what the word "impossible" means.

It makes this quote from US physicist and pioneer rocket engineer Robert Goddard even more relevant:
"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dreams of yesterday are the hopes of today, and the realities of tomorrow."
Thank you TNT volunteers! Here’s hoping that the realities of tomorrow include a world free from cancer. Go Team!

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